Wednesday, January 30, 2013

 There aren't that many things that I even like, let alone love; music is the one exception. I've realized that it might be inevitable, me being a musician. Not even a good one necessarily, but I have to. For the sake of my own sanity. It's in my blood, it's in my brain. I need it so badly.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

It's so good to be home. And by home I mean boarding school. Although things were kinda rough over break, all in all it was worth it to be able to come back here.
My obsession with Dita von Teese hasn't declined in the least.
I think she's probably the prettiest woman on the planet, no joke.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Still tripping on the band Animal Collective. Panda Bear especially.
 These people are mind blowing!
This Sunday, I'm off to Paris and then Switzerland and finally Germany to go back to school.
Oh, the joys of boarding school.
It'll be nice to see my friends again though.
I've really missed them.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year

To be completely honest I this was a pretty crappy New Years.
I spent it alone watching the Simpsons with our dog.
But this morning I've been listening to the Beatles and the Animal Collective and that's cheered me up considerably. I feel a bit late to the Animal Collective party because I only really started listening to them a few days ago after seeing them in Rolling Stone. Anyway I think they're brilliant, even though I tend to be into less poppy stuff.